

We left Zagreb & headed for Rovinj. This is a stunning town in Istria. Totally gorgeous & I will put photos up on my Facebook page cos I’m useless trying to put them up here. & there are more urgent matters…….

I’ve had to book an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon for Cro-man. When we get back a surgeon specialising in thumbs & index fingers will urgently need to operate to fix all his tendon & joint damage – a result of compulsive photo taking. So far a record of 727 shots in one day & he stopped only because his lens got the droop. It revived handsomely in the morning, so he got back to shooting anything that had an atomic structure.


It is possible as you slip & slide over the wet cobblestones of Rovinj, that a pair of some-ones underpants will drop on your head. The idea is not to panic – just look around, be cool, act slightly surprised, “what do you say?”……”underpants on my head…..pah…….better than the crocs on your feet”. Then just drop them to one side & move on. Be cool, cos this might happen often. Hanging baba’s bloomers means pegging the smalls on lines that weave across the streets, with a complicated pulley system to send out & bring in. I choofed mine out at 10 in the morning & pulled in some-one else’s later that afternoon. How did I know they were not mine? Well, it’s been a very, very long time (possible for 5 minutes in 1978) since I could wear a g-string, particularly one that had only enough string to pull out a toddlers tooth.

Also, the male equivalent of this string instrument was hanging alongside. Cro-man gingerly poked at it & asked in puzzlement about its function. I explained …. he dry-reached & sent it flying back out the window. I last saw it caught on the ears of a started chihuahua. I can’t convey the speed at which I pulled on that rope to circulate the pulley! Mysteriously one of Cro-mans Chesty Bonds were also missing. I can only assume that there is another small dog scarpering around the plaza looking through the leg of a bright red pair of iconic Aussie jocks.

Until next time…….

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